Director's Reports

  • August, 2016
  • October 2016
  • December, 2015
  • February, 2016
  • April, 2016
  • June, 2016

Conference Reports

  • ALA 2016
  • PLA 2016

3D Printer Pilot Project

Program Information

News from MMLC:

Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative

Director’s Report
September - October 2016

State Budget/State Aid:
State Aid, FY2016-17:  The state aid application process began on October 1, 2016 and will close on February 1, 2017.  Public Libraries payments will not begin until after February 1, 2017. All the information collected from Counting Opinions will be downloaded to the payment software (LSAMS) after February 1st.  The breakdown of the first 50% for state aid is $.162397 and $3.25 for density payments.  Final budget numbers:

  • State Aid                     $9,876,000
  • Renaissance Zone       $5,300,000
  •               $1,752,300

Cooperative Services:
Programming:  The annual Performers Showcase, held in September was an overwhelming success. Attendees enjoyed seeing the 35+ performers new programs for 2017 and hearing about the Collaborative Summer Reading Program from Library of Michigan Youth Services Specialist Cathy Lancaster. The first round of performance orders have been received at the Cooperative Office. We have successfully confirmed 490 programs with 43 performers. We are in the process of reviewing contracts and writing letters of commitment with those performers.

MMLC Advocacy:
Meet the Candidate Sessions:  MMLC and White Pine Library Cooperative hosted sessions in Thomas Township and at the Pere Marquette District Library in Clare.  Thanks to Sheila Bissonnette, Director at PMDL, for hosting.   

Collaborating Organizations:
Cooperative Director’s Association (CDA):  The CDA met in October at the Library of Michigan.  My term as President ended and Tammy Turgeon, Suburban Library Cooperative, became the new President.  Reports from Collaborating Partners are below. 

Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS):  Randy Dykhuis sent the following report:

  • University of Michigan is on target to get up on MeLCat in early 2017
  • The Zepheira project is underway with record analysis and technical stuff happening.
  • The shared ILS project with the academic libraries is going well. There were bids from five vendors: Equinox, Proquest/Ex Libris, OCLC, Innovative Interfaces, and SirsiDynix. EBSCO bid on the discovery portion only. The bids are now being reviewed by committees at each participating library. The scores will determine who will be invited to demo with demos planned for early December. If all goes well, a vendor will be chosen in early 2017.
  • The MCLS annual membership meeting will be Friday November 18. Members will be asked to approve amendments to the bylaws. The revisions are needed to bring our bylaws into compliance with the Michigan Nonprofit Act revisions of 2015. Notification of the meeting and bylaws changes will go out to members next week.

Michigan Library Association (MLA):  Gail Madziar made the following report:

  • Legislators have 11 days left to get through this year’s legislative agenda. 
  • Rep. Jeff Farrington is expected to move the tax capture bills out of House Tax Policy Committee for a floor vote before the end of the year.  All are expected to pass.
  • Dark Store legislation is stuck in Finance Committee.  If it is not acted on, it will be reintroduced in 2017. 
  • A new Senate Bill 960 would give a tax break to select companies reducing both State School Aid Fund revenue and local property tax revenue. Michigan Treasury along with local government organizations and school organizations oppose the legislation. The potential cost of this bill to communities could be severe and, with immediate effect and the potential for companies to file for 501(c)3 would mean a larger reduction in tax revenue for libraries.
  • Encourage your U.S. Congressional legislators to pass funding for IMLS.
  • MLA has entered into contract with National Insurance Services to create opportunity for libraries to form a group insurance plan.  Libraries must declare National Insurance Services their Agent of Record to be a part of the group. 

Library of Michigan (LM):  Shannon White made the following report:

  • Encouraged directors to file State Aid reports.
  • Clare Membiela has revised the Trustee Manual with Shirley Bruursema, Kent District Library Board Member and Trustee Alliance President.
  • The LSTA program evaluation has started.  An email was sent encouraging the library community to sign up for one of the Focus Group sessions throughout the state.

Collaborating Partners – CDA, LM, MiALA, MLA, and MCLS: 

  • Reading Redefined workshop yielded great results.  Dr. Maryanne Wolf was an excellent speaker as were the remaining presenters during the day.
  • The group will meet to discuss future collaborations later this Fall.   

MMLC Administration: 

  • Attended a meeting of the Lapeer Economic Club to hear MDE Superintendent Brian Whiston speak. 
  • Began a redesign process to improve the MMLC website for ease of updating information as well as online and mobile access.
  • Hosted Kathy Dempsey, the “Accidental Marketer”, at the Fall Advisory Council meeting.
  • Experienced a day-long interactive online workshop entitled “The Digital Shift” which featured sessions on legal issues, digitization of services around the library, and well-known speakers such as Nicholas Carr and Manoush Zomorodi. 
  • Participated in the Michigan Library Association annual conference as an attendee and volunteer.

Collaborated with other organizations to honor library trustee and advocate, Shirley Bruursema, on her dedication to supporting library millage campaigns and trustee education.

Denise Hooks
MMLC Director