Certain services shall be chosen as core services by a unanimous decision of all members. The core services shall be:

1. Provides consulting services.
2. Maintains a website.
3. Coordinates a discussion list to keep members informed on issues in the cooperative in addition to information on the state and national scene.
4. Disseminates reports and information to keep members informed.
5. Belongs to statewide and national library organizations.

Economy of scale/Group discounts services
1. Participates in group discount program with other and organizations.
2. Makes group purchases for members.
3. Serves as a booking agent for programming, Summer Reading and other performer activities.

Resource Sharing
1. Facilitates resource sharing among cooperative member libraries.
2. Works with libraries to join and participate in MeLCat.
3. Assists libraries in adopting methods of resource sharing outside of MeLCat.
4. Acts as advocate for MeLCat libraries with process and delivery issues.

Technological support/Innovation
1. Provides specialized equipment for loan.
2. Facilitates conversations with technology consultants and vendors.
3. Assists with USF (e-rate questions.)
4. May offer grants to member libraries to support technology needs.

1. Monitors MLA and ALA legislative information and alerts members to important news and calls to action.
2. Attends National Library Legislative Day workshop and legislative visits in Washington, D.C. and may offer mini-grants for Board and member attendance.

A 2/3 vote by member library boards is required to drop a service from core status. Core services shall be funded only with direct state aid to cooperatives and grant monies. Any income generated by core services shall be used to support core services


Certain services shall be chosen as unit cost services by any two or more member libraries, and paid for with Section 16(4) state aid, or from the local member’s funds. Only participating libraries will set the standards and evaluate service in this area. Core services beyond the basic level supported by available funding may become available for selection by member libraries as a unit cost service. Costs for all services must be reviewed annually. Unit cost services include, but are not limited to:

Continuing Education/Training
1. Schedules workshops and training based on member needs.
2. Offers Board member orientation and training.
3. Works with other collaborating partners to co-sponsor workshops.

1. Contracts for programs.
2. Contracts for tours with authors, illustrators or speakers.
3. Schedules Performers’ Showcase when possible.

1. Purchases special technology services for members or groups of members.
2. Conducts research and development projects and investigates new technologies.

Other possible fee-based services:
1. Enters into contracts for special services and special projects that are offered cooperative-wide.

A member must purchase at least one unit cost service for the annual membership fee to be waived.