A collaborative effort between Library of Michigan and Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative to bring
Summer Reading programming and educational opportunities to Michigan libraries throughout the year.
Performers Showcase for 2018 Programs
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(Registration begins at 8:45 a.m.)
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Genesys Conference & Banquet Center
805 Health Park Blvd., Grand Blanc, MI
- Libraries Rock! Summer Programming ideas
- New Directions in Programming Displays
- Showcase of Performers from Mideastern MI Library Cooperative’s 2017-18 Performers List
.6 CEU’s pending
$66.00 Registration Fee, includes lunch
Reservations are now being accepted at Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative.
To register, phone (810) 232-7119; fax (810) 232-6639 or email ibancroft@mmlc.info
Registration Deadline: Friday, September 15th